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What do I need most during my EVS?

2019. március 01. 07:50 - Mokos Béla

Kocsis Mária

There are many things which are important to have a good time during my EVS. After 2 months it feels like there is one that is the most needed: COURAGE :D


Why do you need courage? 
Even for the the start you need a lot of it. To move away from your country and start a new life in a new place is a big step. But after the first wave of courage you need more. Most of the time you need to take the first step with making friends or socializing with others. For that you need a big buck of courage. And when you settled in and conformable in your city and in your work you will still need courage to make some adventure. Because everybody knows: "go big or go home", so let your EVS be the time of your life.

After this short prologues here comes the story of my own adventure that required a lot of courage, but now I can say it was worth it. ;)

I decided to go to the EVS20 Birthday Conference in Aachen on the 21st of October. Aachen from Berlin is quite far, so I wrote to the Facebook-group to find some other volunteers whom would like to join me on the more than 5 hour long trip. Happily there was an Ex-EVS girl who joined me. We started our journey early, very early, but because of the good company the journey didn't seem that long. On the way we meet some more volunteers, so at the end when we arrived to the conference there were like 10 of us. :D 
The conference was really amazing. I got to know so-so many interesting people and exchange stores with them. Also the program was truly cool. First we had some action in the street than a discussion/debate with Martin Schulz. The whole thing was in German, but luckily I could understand almost everything :) I really liked the speech that Schulz gave and it was astounding meeting him. After the serious program came the party, which surprised me the most. The band wasn't good neither the DJ. Anyhow we made a hell of a party out of it, and dance until midnight. Than we went to the hostels said our goodbyes, and changed numbers so we could meet later somewhere or visit each other in the future.

Next morning I didn't waste a lot of time. With some other volunteers we decided to go on the Aachen free walking tour. The weather was pretty bad, but I liked Aachen and the stories that our tour guide told us. After the nice morning in Aachen I headed to Cologne, where my couch-surfing host would pick me up.

Az eredeti bejegyzés a die Villa, vagyis a német koordináló szervezet blogjában található: https://www.youthreporter.eu/en/beitrag/what-do-i-need-most-during-my-evs-part-1.12833/#.XHZaqLh7nIU

Még több youth reporter cikket itt olvashatsz: https://www.youthreporter.eu/de/blogs/

Kocsis Mária Németországban volt EVS önkéntes az Erasmus+ program támogatásával.

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