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European Thinking - Cleaner Environment

2020. október 02. 14:08 - Mokos Béla

projekt beszámoló

Project no. 2019-2-RO01-ESC11-064297,

“European Thinking - Cleaner Environment”


The merits of the European Thinking – Cleaner Environment project


Between 11th of November 2019 and 17th of August 2020 Care2Travel Association hosted 4 European Solidarity Corps volunteers from the European Union who worked towards a change in the mentality of the locals of Miercurea Ciuc, so they respect their environment and keep it clean.

Ilona Éva Dudás (from Hungary), Francesco Tomasello (from Italy), Davide Gerbino (from Italy) and Gustavo González Pérez (from Spain) have organized and participated in numerous programs to reach their goals.

Here we list their achievements, which they reached by their dedication and work and can be proud of: J


  • Organized and attended on the following one-off / structured activities:

8 Green English Clubs
3 Quiz Nights
1 Zero Waste Meeting
2 Green Crafts Activities

8 Conversational English Clubs


  • Youth involvement in our project:

The youth of Csíkszereda/Miercurea Ciuc was involved into an online environmental quiz called Kahoot. In this way they could gain more knowledge about their environment. Through the Kahoot game 140 students participated in the project.

Here is a THANK YOU for the schools which made this possible for us: Liceul Tehnologic ”Kós Károly” Miercurea Ciuc, Colegiului Național ”Márton Áron” Miercurea-Ciuc, Școala Gimnazială ”Márton Ferenc” Păuleni Ciuc, Școala Gimnazială ”Endes József” Sânsimion.


Through the Green English Clubs our volunteers have reached out to 20 persons and raised awareness about environmental issues.

During our volunteers’ litter picking actions, they have managed to involve 24 locals and cleared the areas of Tudor and Nagyrét/Lunca Mare in Miercurea Ciuc.


Upcycling workshops: 2 occasions with the involvement of altogether 8 people.


  • Digital inclusion:
  1. YOUTUBE CHANNEL made by the volunteers, which is entitled ”The Cleaner Environment”.

This Channel has: 39 subscribers
The link of the YouTube Channel is the following: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmEykoJNe8qax5pBynGBj3w/featured

This YouTube Channel has 4 videos, which are the following:

  • The video entitled ‘UPCYCLING. From trash to FRESH!!!’ has 528 views and 39 likes

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54CWIEdmqIs

  • The video entitled ‘Fast fashion!!! What it is and tips for a better shopping ;)’ has 695 views and 27 likes

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlsMCmutv-A&t=223s

  • The video entitled ‘Climate change? Let's understand together what it is! ;)’ has 393 views and 38 likes

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFPJNA-b_Fo&t=58s

  • The video entitled ‘Community garden for a sustainable community :)’ has 114 views and 16 likes

Link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bhtBwMC8NM&t=306s


  1. FACEBOOK PAGE made by the volunteers, entitled ”The Cleaner Environment

This Facebook Page has 241 followers and 233 likes.

Link of the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thecleanerenvironment


  1. BLOG made by the volunteers, entitled ”The Cleaner Environment”

The Blog has 174 views (116 from Romania) and 77 independent viewers.

Link of the blog: https://thecleanerenvironment.wordpress.com/contact/


  1. INSTAGRAM PAGE made by the volunteers, entitled ”thecleanerenvironment”

The Instagram Page has 47 followers. On average the pictures have 8 likes and the most is 15.

It means 8 x 17 product photos = 136 likes in total.

Link of the Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/TheCleanerEnvironment/


  • Involvement of locals in our project:

On the local farmers’ market our volunteers lent 70 textile shopping bags and 200 paper bags to locals so they don’t buy environmentally damaging plastic bags. On the market there still is a box where locals can return the borrowed fabric bags so others can take them, in case they forgot to bring their own.

Links of the events:  https://www.facebook.com/Care2Travel/photos/pcb.3154191508010961/3154187778011334



  • Waste management involvement

The collected trash statistics are the following:


  • 2018: 11731 tons of waste = 9148 tons of mixed waste + 2582 tons of selective waste (28%)
  • 2019: 12069 tons of waste = 10051 tons of mixed waste + 2017 tons of selective waste (20%)
  • 2020 first semester: 5831 tons of waste = 4687 tons of mixed waste + 1143 tons of selective waste (24%)


The above statistic means that the ratio of the selective waste from 2018 to 2019 fell by 8% and from 2019 to 2020 grew by 4%. We don't know how much we have impacted to generate this growth, but it's notable and we are hoping we could chip in to make our environment cleaner.



This whole project wouldn’t be possible without the help of our ESC volunteers.

Thank you Éva, Francesco, Davide and Gustavo for all your contribution to this project!


Here you can see the feedback video of Éva and Francesco:

  • Link for Francesco's ESC volunteering experience at Care2Tavel:


  • Link for Éva's ESC volunteering experience at Care2Tavel:


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